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Olympus OM SYSTEM OM-5 + M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 12-45mm F4 PRO (Silver)
Olympus OM SYSTEM OM-5 Body (Silver) A partner for your adventures. The OM-5 is an interchangeable lens camera that combines a compact, lightweight design and high performance with the appeal of the Micro Four Thirds System. The compact, lightweightToode on arhiivis, kuvatakse vaid informatiivsel eesmärgil.
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Olympus OM SYSTEM OM-5 Body (Silver)
A partner for your adventures.
The OM-5 is an interchangeable lens camera that combines a compact, lightweight design and high performance with the appeal of the Micro Four Thirds System. The compact, lightweight, and high image quality OM-5 can easily be taken along to places that were impossible with previous cameras.
Head out with the OM-5 in search of your ideal landscape and capture the beautiful scenery you witness without missing a thing.
This is a compact, lightweight, highly portable interchangeable lens camera system with high image quality.
This compact, lightweight system lets you easily take multiple interchangeable lenses with you for enjoying varied photographic expressions only possible with an interchangeable lens camera.
Absolute reliability in any environment
The IP53 protection class dustproof and splashproof performance and freezeproof construction allows you to focus on shooting in the most punishing environments, such as rain and low temperatures. Continue shooting with peace of mind even during sudden changes of weather while on adventures.
Computational photography offers further inspiration for creative shooting.
Since the early stages of its existence, the OM SYSTEM has provided compositing technology on the camera that traditionally required a computer, making advanced digital expressions easy. It uses the latest digital technologies to drive the power of expression further.
A continuously evolving, high-speed, high-precision AF system
This model is powered by the latest digital technologies, making it possible to capture split-second moments of any type of subject. Never miss a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
Box contentsBody, USB cable (CB-USB12), shoulder strap, Instruction Manual, warranty card, lithium-ion rechargeable battery (BLS-50), USB-AC adapter (F-5AC)
Olympus M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 12‑45mm F4 PRO
Smooth Capture with High Quality Shots. A High-performance Standard Zoom Lens with the Ultimate Compact, Lightweight Form.
The M.Zuiko PRO series, built with superb optical performance and dustproof and splashproof construction, is the pinnacle of Olympus lenses. The new M.Zuiko Digital ED 12-45mm F4.0 PRO standard zoom lens is now a part of this series, featuring an incredibly compact, lightweight design. It is the world's most compact, lightweight[*] standard zoom lens with fixed large-aperture, while maintaining sharp image quality across the entire zoom range thanks to an uncompromising optical design. This is the ultimate compact, lightweight lens that can be carried anywhere, offering high image quality and a way to fully enjoy the perks of the Micro Four Thirds System.
As of 12 Feb, 2020, on a standard zoom lens with a fixed aperture value.
Amazing Portability
This is the world's most compact, lightweight[*] lens among standard zoom lenses with a fixed aperture value. The lens features superb portability so the camera can be stored in your usual bag or hung from a neck strap when out and about for easy, comfortable shooting. When viewing the entire system with combined lens and camera body, it is approximately 70% the volume and approximately 62% more compact and lightweight than a full-frame interchangeable lens camera system, bringing out the best of the Micro Four Thirds System.
As of 12 Feb, 2020, on a standard zoom lens with a fixed aperture value.
The World's Smallest and Most Lightweight Model[*]
The lens is 63.4 x 70 mm (max. diameter x length) in size, and weighs a mere 254 g. The world's most compact, lightweight* design was achieved by precision machining of 190 components, and carefully mounting each and every one in a dense configuration on the lens.
As of 12 Feb, 2020, on a standard zoom lens with a fixed aperture value.
Compact, Lightweight System
When pairing the M.Zuiko Digital ED 12-45mm F4.0 PRO with the OM-D E-M5 Mark III, the entire system is approximately 113.3 mm long, and weighs nearly 668 g. Compared to a full-frame mirror-less camera with attached standard zoom lens that covers an equivalent focal length, it is approximately 70% less in volume and approximately 62% lighter.
1. E-M5 Mark III
2. Full-frame digital ILC
1. OM-D E-M5 Mark III + M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 12-45mm F4.0 PRO + M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 45mm F1.2 PRO
2. Competitor full-frame mirror-less camera + wide-aperture F4.0 standard zoom lens + 1 cent coin
Dustproof, Splashproof and Freezeproof
Sealing is included on nine of the lens for a dustproof and splashproof construction. When paired with a dustproof and splashproof performance camera body, you can shoot high image quality images with peace of mind in the harsh environments.
High-speed Focusing
1. Focusing lens
In order to enable speedy AF, a compact, lightweight focusing lens design was adopted. When combined with the high-performance AF system of a camera such as the OM-D E-M5 Mark III, this lens is capable of fast, accurate focusing when shooting moving subjects.
High Resolution
A compact, lightweight design and high image quality are achieved thanks to advanced optical technology. The lens delivers high resolution imaging at all focal lengths from 24 mm to 90 mm (35mm equivalent).
Wide-angle end
Body: E-M5 Mark III, ISO200, 1/1.6 sec,
Lens: M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 12-45mm F4.0 PRO, f=12mm, F4.0
Telephoto end
Body: E-M5 Mark III, ISO200, 1/2 sec,
Lens: M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 12-45mm F4.0 PRO, f=45mm, F4.0
Lens Configuration for Sharp Imaging
A 12-element, 9-group lens configuration
1. High Refractive Index Lens
2. Dual - super Aspheric Lens
3. Super High Refractive Index Lens
4. Aspherical Lens
5. Extra-low Dispersion Lens
This lens basic optical configuration inherits from M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 12-40mm F2.8 PRO that is a well-recognized lens for its high resolution. Using special lenses such as ED lenses, DSA lens, and Super HR lenses in an effective layout for sharp imaging across the entire zoom range and frame. ZERO Coating is also applied to the appropriate lenses to reduce ghosts and flares.
Fixed Wide-aperture Across the Entire Zoom Range
A maximum aperture of F4.0 is achieved across the entire zoom range, from wide angle to telephoto shooting. Because the aperture value remains the same at any focal length, the exposure is easily kept stable while using the zoom in your shots.
Bright and Clear to the Edges
This lens suppresses peripheral light loss, resulting in bright, clear depictive performance to the edges of the frame.
Superb Macro Capabilities
An optical design that favors macro capabilities is utilized in this lens for amazing close-up photos when shooting right next to subjects.
Maximum Shooting Magnification of 0.5x across the Entire Zoom Range (35mm Equivalent)
The closest focusing distance is 12 cm at the wide-angle end and 23 cm at the telephoto end. Capture a range of 69.2 x 52 mm at a maximum image magnification of 0.5x (35mm equivalent) across the entire zoom range.
1. Closest focusing distance
Closest focusing distance |
Shooting magnification (35mm equivalent) |
Wide-angle end (12 mm) |
12 cm |
0.5x |
Telephoto end (45 mm) |
23 cm |
0.5x |
Versatile Macro Expressions
This single lens is capable of wide-angle macro shots that emphasize a sense of perspective by capturing vast backgrounds, and tele-macro shooting for more significant background defocusing effects. With this, you can enjoy a diverse array of macro expressions that perfectly suit your shooting style.
Wide angle (12mm)
Tele angle (45mm)
Focus stacking
8 photos are captured at different focal positions and automatically composited into a single photo. Capture a photo with a large depth of field that is in focus from the foreground to background.
Compatible model: E-M1X[*] / E-M1 Mark II[*] / E-M1 Mark III / E-M5 Mark III[*]
Need to firmware update.
**Pictures are for illustrative purposes only.
**Screen captures in the monitor are composite images.
Width | 125.3 mm |
Height | 85.2 mm |
Length | 49.7 mm |
Product Weight | 414 g |
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DPD pakiautomaatide asukohti saad vaadata siit.
SmartPOST Finland pakiautomaati
Telli kaup endale Soome või saada see enda Soomes elavale sõbrale. SmartPOST Finland pakiautomaadid toimivad sama lihtsalt nagu Eestisisesed automaadid. Vali Photopointi veebipoes ostukorvis sobiv SmartPOST Finland automaat. Kui pakk kohale jõuab, saadetakse saajale SMS koos unikaalse koodiga. Mine kohale, sisesta kood automaati ja võta pakk.
SmartPOST Finland automaatide asukohti saad vaadata siit.
Matkahuolto väljastuspunkti Soomes
Telli kaup Soome või saada see enda Soomes elavale sõbrale. Vali Photopointi veebipoes ostukorvis sobiv Matkahuolto väljastuspunkt ning kui pakk kohale jõuab, saadetakse Sulle SMS või e-mail teavitusega. Mine kohale, näita isikut tõendavat dokumenti ja võta pakk.
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Kulleriga saad kauba tellida koju, kontorisse või mujale, kus kauba kätte toimetamise ajal viibid. Kaup toimetatakse aadressile tööpäevadel kella 08:00-17:00.
Enne kauba kohale jõudmist helistab kuller kontaktile. Kaupa "koju" tellides hoolitse, et telefon oleks käepärast ning volitatud isik kauba kohale jõudmise ajal sihtkohas seda vastu võtmas. Eriti just suuremate esemete tellimisel palume arvestada, et kuller toimetab kauba vaid välisukseni.